
Keep up to date with all things yoga and find out how your eco-friendly CorkYogis' purchase helps empower survivors of human trafficking in India.
Sex Trafficking Survivor: Shelafi's Story

Sex Trafficking Survivor: Shelafi's Story

At CorkYogis we are incredibly proud to support the work of Destiny Reflection and the work they do to help young girls and women out of sex slavery and human trafficking here’s the story of Shefali…..KOLKATA, INDIA – Six years after 15-year-old Shefali (pseudonym) was rescued from a brothel in…

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CorkYogis joins LiveWell Directory for Eco-Friendly and Ethical Businesses

CorkYogis joins LiveWell Directory for Eco-Friendly and Ethical Businesses

CorkYogis joins the LiveWell Directory -a list of the best local, ethical and environmentally-friendly businesses.  The Indians have a saying that “it takes a village to raise a child”, and so it is with making real change in our world. It will take a huge number of diverse efforts to…

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Quotes To Inspire Us

Quotes To Inspire Us

February – always a hard month, in the words of the philosopher Hobbes, “nasty, brutish and short”. It’s dark, cold at least in the northern hemisphere, and it can be hard to motivate ourselves to get out of bed and onto the mat. It’s been especially hard for people in…

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Studios in Portugal, England and Finland Now Stock CorkYogis!

Studios in Portugal, England and Finland Now Stock CorkYogis!

We’ve had a great start in 2019 and we’ve had a new studio in Portugal, Sheffield and Finland stock our mats. Big shout out to Mudra, Soul Lab Estoril and SuperShe Island. At CorkYogis we love to show off our ethical cork yoga mats in as many places as possible.…

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Destiny Reflection is 10 years old!

Destiny Reflection is 10 years old!

CorkYogis was created in part to support the work of charities helping women and girls improve their lives through work. Destiny Reflection is the perfect partner for us. Their work rescuing and then giving training to the victims of human trafficking is directly aligned with CorkYogis mission. Destiny Reflection train…

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Don’t take our word for it – The Guardian and Independent Newspapers say CorkYogis is great!

Don’t take our word for it – The Guardian and Independent Newspapers say CorkYogis is great!

Our yoga mats were chosen as one of the Guardian's best ethical and eco-friendly gift ideas! It’s been a great few months for CorkYogis in the Press. We have been featured today in the Guardian’s good gift guide  – November 17th . The guide features a range of ethical and environmentally…

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What better way to say “I do” than by empowering girls to say “I don’t”

What better way to say “I do” than by empowering girls to say “I don’t”

It’s is International Day of the Girl on October 11th. So all businesses that support women and girls like CorkYogis are celebrating a huge new initiative – VOW.At a moment of renewed drive to empower women and girls across the world, VOW launched today with a mission to put the…

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Child Marriage – Wars and Natural Disasters are a Tragedy for Girls

Child Marriage – Wars and Natural Disasters are a Tragedy for Girls

In the third of this series on child marriage, I am looking at those times when things get worse for girls.There are three situations which researchers know make it highly likely that the rate of child marriage will increase – war, displacement and natural disasters.  In all these cases families…

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Child Marriage – It Happens Everywhere

Child Marriage – It Happens Everywhere

One of the many surprising facts about child marriage is how widespread it is. It happens on every continent. We often think of it as being an Asian or African thing – globally 1 in 5 girls is married before 18, but even if we look only at developed countries…

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Child Marriage Ruins Lives

Child Marriage Ruins Lives

This week I have been in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, attending a conference of 480 people from all over 70 countries that focus on ending the practice of child marriage. The UN estimates that about 12m girls each year are married before their 18th birthday, often to men decades older than…

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