
Keep up to date with all things yoga and find out how your eco-friendly CorkYogis' purchase helps empower survivors of human trafficking in India.
News From Our Charity Partner - Destiny Reflection in India

News From Our Charity Partner - Destiny Reflection in India

Several years ago, our charity partner Destiny Reflection Foundation to which we give 10% of all our profits, took part in a film production called Stolen Innocence. The film explores the issue of sex trafficking in South Asia and follows several organisations who help identify and support survivors. A few…

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CorkYogis Review - Eco-Friendly AND Ethical with Proceeds Going To Charity

CorkYogis Review - Eco-Friendly AND Ethical with Proceeds Going To Charity

Every CorkYogis purchase helps empower women in India.  The average Briton will spend nearly £400 this Christmas – it is clearly a time of year in which many of us push the boat out and are generous to friends and family. It is also a period in which many may…

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Sex Trafficking Survivor: Shelafi's Story

Sex Trafficking Survivor: Shelafi's Story

At CorkYogis we are incredibly proud to support the work of Destiny Reflection and the work they do to help young girls and women out of sex slavery and human trafficking here’s the story of Shefali…..KOLKATA, INDIA – Six years after 15-year-old Shefali (pseudonym) was rescued from a brothel in…

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Destiny Reflection is 10 years old!

Destiny Reflection is 10 years old!

CorkYogis was created in part to support the work of charities helping women and girls improve their lives through work. Destiny Reflection is the perfect partner for us. Their work rescuing and then giving training to the victims of human trafficking is directly aligned with CorkYogis mission. Destiny Reflection train…

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Every Girl Deserves the Right to Happiness and Freedom

Every Girl Deserves the Right to Happiness and Freedom

Thanks to all the amazing people that have supported us since launch and thanks to all the new friends we have made since Dragons Den aired. This exposure is enabling us to give more donations to our partners in India who are doing some amazing work.We give donations towards the vital…

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The Terrifying Truths of Trafficking

The Terrifying Truths of Trafficking

Yoga brings empowerment: empowerment in your body, in your mind, in your health. Many of us, in the ‘western’ world, practice to enrich our day-to-day lives, fortunate enough to have the basic freedom to act and practice as we wish. For millions around the world this basic freedom is a…

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Sex Trafficking Survivor: Alo's Story

Sex Trafficking Survivor: Alo's Story

Alo’s story is a classic case of the injustices girls will face as a result of India’s heavily patriarchal society. Alo was born in Bangladesh and started working at a garment factory when she was 10 years old, where she would earn a decent wage but her hours often exceeded…

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