
Keep up to date with all things yoga and find out how your eco-friendly CorkYogis' purchase helps empower survivors of human trafficking in India.
Destiny Reflection is 10 years old!

Destiny Reflection is 10 years old!

CorkYogis was created in part to support the work of charities helping women and girls improve their lives through work. Destiny Reflection is the perfect partner for us. Their work rescuing and then giving training to the victims of human trafficking is directly aligned with CorkYogis mission. Destiny Reflection train…

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Don’t take our word for it – The Guardian and Independent Newspapers say CorkYogis is great!

Don’t take our word for it – The Guardian and Independent Newspapers say CorkYogis is great!

Our yoga mats were chosen as one of the Guardian's best ethical and eco-friendly gift ideas! It’s been a great few months for CorkYogis in the Press. We have been featured today in the Guardian’s good gift guide  – November 17th . The guide features a range of ethical and environmentally…

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