
Keep up to date with all things yoga and find out how your eco-friendly CorkYogis' purchase helps empower survivors of human trafficking in India.
Why We Love Cork

Why We Love Cork

What makes cork the very best material for your yoga mat.  Some pictures above from The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, London, UK – The ‘cork tree’ Quercus suber.Why we use cork – Is it because of its natural beauty and ethical sustainability? Well yes… but that’s not all, there are…

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Sex Trafficking Survivor: Shelafi's Story

Sex Trafficking Survivor: Shelafi's Story

At CorkYogis we are incredibly proud to support the work of Destiny Reflection and the work they do to help young girls and women out of sex slavery and human trafficking here’s the story of Shefali…..KOLKATA, INDIA – Six years after 15-year-old Shefali (pseudonym) was rescued from a brothel in…

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